Fortynner 250ml for Narvsverte
Fortynner til Narvsværte gir bedre gjennomtreningsevne inn i dybden av læret og kan brukes for å få lysere farge da det gir færre pigmenter.
Leather Dye Thinner
Do you wish to reduce the amount of color pigment in your Leather’s Choice leather dye? Then you need our leather dye thinner. It is especially great if you want to achieve a lighter shade on your leather item than shown on the leather dye. The dye thinner can be used to clean items before application of the dye, where you can easily achieve an even, uniform result.
Even though the thinner reduces the amount of color pigment in the leather dye, you can still achieve a smooth, deep shade with diluted leather dye. You can do so by adding leather dye little by little, watching the shade deepen. By using diluted leather dye instead of pure leather dye, you have more control over the shade of color you get, and you also still have the opportunity of dying your leather a darker, deeper shade.
Meget brannfarlig veske og damp. Gir alvorlig øyeirritasjon. Kan forårsake døsighet eller svimmelhet. Skadelig, med langtidsvirkning, for liv i vann.